Welcome to the Jimboomba & Districts Cadets Official Website


Weekly Parade Nights

All Cadets attend weekly parade nights where they undertake training. These parade nights involve formal parades, sometimes involving dress inspections and instruction, as well as lessons, team-based activities, briefings and O-Groups.

Weekly parades commence at 1800hrs for all Cadets concluding at 2030hrs for Cadets and 1930hrs for Junior Cadets. Mounted Cadets generally parade on given weekends once or twice a month where training is conducted between 1200 and 1600hrs.


Weekend Exercises & Camps

Four to six times a year Weekend Camps are conducted for all Cadets except Junior Cadets who only attend during the day. Weekend Camps usually involve a theme such as Survival Camp, Adventure Training or Infantry Minor Tactics. 

Locations can vary depending on the theme usually within South-East Queensland. And some Camps are catered, and some are not, again depending on the weekend objectives.

Weekend Camps usually involve activities like hiking, patrolling, conducting ambushes or vehicle checkpoints. On most Camps Cadets sleep in swags or under hutchies and participate in piquet duty or observation posts.

Most Weekend Camps have multiple purposes. For example, those Cadets engaged in a Leadership Program will be given some planning and leading roles over the course of the weekend. And some Cadets will be asked to assist in the delivery of lessons to Recruits and Junior Cadets.


Parades & Formal Occasions

All Cadets participate in formal parades like Anzac Day where they march as a formed body wearing ceremonial uniform. Some Cadets may serve as Colour Sergeants or march as an armed party carrying a replica rifle.

Other Cadets such as Drill Team members will participate in more formal displays such as catafalque parties, cenotaph attendants and honour guards. Some may be asked to carry flags and banners during parades or be asked to march in the flags at an ecumenical service. Others may be flag orderlies or wreath layers for dignitaries. Cadets may also serve as stewards at conferences serving meals or water to conference delegates.

Generally, Cadets are on display during formal occasions. The highest standards are expected of all Cadets especially when wearing ceremonial uniform and representing the Unit.



There’s a range of events Cadets can participate in. These can include; competition days where teams of Cadets compete against other Cadet Units, formal dining-in nights where Cadets attend a traditional military dinner, Unit fundraising occasions such as Military Trivia nights and fun days like car-washes and Cadet Talent Quests, attendance at performances of military bands, squadron retreats, school fetes, sleep-overs and recruiting activities at shopping malls and school assemblies.

Cadet’s are strongly encouraged to participate in all Unit events. Doing so reflects positively on their prospects for promotion and advancement.


Military Excursions

Cadets are provided opportunities to attend military excursions with the Unit. Such excursions see Cadets visiting army bases and regular army Units, military museums and other Cadet Units particularly during activities and events. Cadets may also visit the movies as a Unit to attend appropriately themed and rated military films.

Other Cadets such as Drill Team members are afforded additional excursion opportunities such as bus-trip visits to the Australian War Memorial, army training establishments like Kapooka near Wagga New South Wales, performances of Australia’s Federation Guard and visits to notable military places such as the site of the Japanese POW camp at Cowra New South Wales, Fort Lytton in South East Queensland, the Royal Military College at Duntroon and the Australian Defence Force Academy, both in Canberra, ACT.


Community Service

Cadets are expected to participate in some acts of community service as part of their commitment to their Unit. This community service can take many forms including; visits to RSL Sub-Branches, fundraising for veteran organisations such as Legacy or representing the Unit at functions of other community groups.


Guest Lectures

To enhance the training experience of Cadets guest lecturers are invited to address the Unit. This may include current or former serving Defence Force personnel, community representatives, local council officers and key members of the veteran community.